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What is the Espers [ESP] Blockchain?
Espers is an experimental blockchain project offering an intuitive method to storing and processing data in a robust manner. This includes features such as secure-messaging, smart-contracts, side-chains, NFTs, Tokens and much more all while being easy to use.
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology has the capabilities to change a variety of things in the world and can also be the backbone of a new internet. One place that blockchain technology has not had an impact on yet is website on the blockchain. However, Espers is trying to change that and is well on their way to doing so.
Fractal multi-chain platform
Seeing our vision through to completion we are in final build phases of what we have coined the "Fractal" platform. This platform is service layer that handles a infinitely layered network of dynamic side-chains and mini-chains in order to provide the ability to host dynamic data in a very fast, scalable and decentralized manner using the X-Node system as its host layer and utilizing the mainnet as a verification system for launching NFTs, Tokens or other hosted material. By doing this we avoid bloat, and mainnet net reliance beyond launch needs. Ultimately this platform can replace the need for servers, DNS hosting and much more while offering a much more robust solution than available today. I guess, you could call it Web3 or the "internet computer" as some have thrown the term around.
Website on the Chain
Espers Blockchain will keep sites extremely safe and will make them virtually impenetrable, which is creating a new standard for website safety and security. In addition to the security improvements, Espers Blockchain will also ensure that your website is never taken down or removed, no matter what (PROVIDED THE CONTENT IS NOT ILLEGAL!!!). You will also have complete control of your data, and the sites will feature faster server times.
NFT (Non-fungible Token)
Introducing altcoins to NFTs, as of v0.8.8.2 prototype now features NFT capabilities. This offers the ability to artists, musicians and animators alike a unified place to store, encrypt, protect, sell and share their artwork! Current compatible formats are JPG/JPEG, PNG, GIF (Animation), OGG VORBIS (Audio) in a square format for initial testing for pictures/animation and up to 5 minute sound files for OGG VORBIS audio. This is a soft limit done only for initial testing. These limits will soon be lifted for full release in future versions.
Tokens (Like ETH)
Along with NFTs we have adapted the technology in the Fractal platform to launch and manage Tokens! No longer are there only the few giants that can do this, launch your own Token using Espers [ESP] as "GAS" and for no where near the fees!
BVAC (Bits Visualized As Color)
BVAC is a unique system that we developed and created in house just for Espers [ESP] and associated projects. This offers us the ability to store ANY data as a PNG or JPG, similarly to a QR code, with only three files being required as apposed to three entire libraries that QR codes require and the data storage is denser. If you would like to learn more about this feature feel free to reach out to CryptoCoderz or SaltineChips. The current proof of concept implementation is the ability to store and read a public receiving address as a 16x16 BVAC image. Users can share their public keys this way by simply sending each other the BVAC image of the pubkey created from the wallet and then the receiving part is able to load the image using the wallet and decode it into the pubkey once again.
Secured Messaging
Developing the usability features: The secured messaging system, masternodes (intuitive node launching and monitoring), smooth sync patch, shrinking blockchain, light clients and much much more.
Custom Difficulty Retarget Algorithm “VRX”
VRX is designed from the ground up to integrate properly with the Velocity parameter enforcement system to ensure users no longer receive orphan blocks. In addition to this function it also dynamicaly adjusts for fluctuations in hashrate or staking whether it be great or small. Being a "Hybrid" blockchain, Espers [ESP] also utilizes VRX's advanced block shuffling and difficulty skewing proceedures in order to offer a truly equal mining/staking experience while further increasing the network's security and reliability.
Velocity Block Constraint System
Ensuring Espers stays as secure and robust as possible the CryptoCoderz team have implemented what's known as the Velocity block constraint system. This system acts as third and final check for both mined and peer-accepted blocks ensuring that all parameters are strictly enforced.
Our network now operates by using "Demi-nodes" to help the wallet make informed decisions on how to treat a peer in the network or even other nodes that aren't trusted. Demi-nodes are a list of trusted nodes a user can define inside of the wallet. These user-defined trusted nodes then can be queried for specific data such as asking the Demi-node network wether or not a reorganization request from another peer is a valid one or something that should be rejected and then banned off the network to protect other peers. An adaptive self cleaning network as this continiously defends itself from any possible intrusion or attack while still keeping decentralization as the underlying focus by allowing users to define their own lists. This feature compliments the Velocity security system which goes beyond other blockchain's security methods to ensure no possibility of malformed blocks making it onto the chain even with something like a 51% attack.
HMQ1725 Algorithm
We use an custom internal algorithm known as HMQ1725 to sign blocks and conduct other functions, it takes its name from how it was designed: Highly-Modified-Quark 17-Algorithms 25-Scientific-Rounds